Rachel Holland


Rachel is a dynamic force in the real estate industry with over two decades of valuable experience. With a deep understanding of mortgages, appraisals, negotiating and the entire real estate process, Rachel uses her expertise to partner with clients and accomplish their goals. She consistently delivers exceptional results for her clients, earning their trust and respect along the way. A comprehensive knowledge of the market and her keen eye for detail allows her to navigate even the most complex transactions with ease. Whether it’s finding the perfect home, negotiating your best deal, or securing favorable financing, she is committed to exceeding your expectations at every turn. Her dedication to professionalism, integrity and client satisfaction sets her apart in the industry. You can rest assured that with Rachel, you have a trusted partner who will guide you every step of the way in your real estate journey with confidence and skill.


  • When Not Working

    I love to hike, kayak or play with my dogs, anything outdoors!

  • Guilty Pleasure

    Coffee Ice cream, unfortunately.

  • All Time Favorite Movie

    The original DUNE, but the new ones are pretty GREAT too!

  • Biggest Lifetime Accomplishment

    My 28 year marriage and our 2 boys!

  • #1 Sports Team


  • Favorite Quote

    “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work”. Thomas Edison

  • Things most people don’t know about me:

    I’m a clutz, I love football, and I make a mean lasagna.

How Can I Help?

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